
Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:24

Missing: The Letter Between N and P

Daily Prompt: Twenty-Five

There are 26 letters in the English language, and we need every single one of them. Want proof? Choose a letter and write a blog post without using it. (Feeling really brave? Make it a vowel!)


St. Patrick’s Day is drawing near.  A day we wear green attire and eat green fare, even if we are un-Irish. We shall search after a large black kettle expecting shiny change, jewels and riches at the base. The same place leprechauns dance jigs and repeat limericks all day. We will bask in the fun laughing with friends.

Warning: If we neglect wearing green during St. Patrick’s Day, we must expect a pinch.

This single day I will say, “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” even if I am un-Irish.

A stretch finding a verse participating in theme, but here it is…

Psalm 105:35a
they ate up every green thing in their land,

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3 thoughts on “Missing: The Letter Between N and P

  1. Mark on said:

    Nice! Fantastic! Great!


  2. And then the Irish proverbs….


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