
Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:24

The Pearl of Great Value

via Daily Prompt: Value


Have we met? 

Life brought us together for a specific moment in time, but now we no longer speak, no longer see each other.  We deleted each other from our contacts and want nothing to do with the other.  We avoid each other at all cost.  We will not acknowledge each other while amongst mutual friends.

We are human.

We grow apart.

We change.

We divide.

We leave.

Was there any value in the relationship that no longer exists?  It depends on the time that has lapsed from the good-bye to this very moment.

Yes, I hated my ex-husband after our divorce.  I had no need to be around him as he did not bring anything positive into my life.  However, as time went on, I was able to see the value that relationship had in carving out the person I have become.  It is easy to have no contact with him since he passed away a few years ago, but when he was alive, I avoided him at all cost.  Even though that relationship did not work out, I believe we were woven into each other’s lives for a higher purpose.  God had a plan.

I have friends that moved in and out of my life.  We deleted all contact information and we do not seek each other out for anything.  Like a death, the memories of the person are usually of the pain and suffering at the end, but as time moves forward, we are able to see the value that was there.  I have been shaped by those I once called my friends.

We are woven into each other’s lives.  We are human. We grow apart, we change, we divide, and we leave.  As time moves forward, we can find value in what was.  Accept that some relationships will be fleeting and try to figure out how you changed and then thank God for that short-lived relationship.  Thank God for continuing to chisel away to help you become who He created you to be.

Just as the people who pass through our lives have changed us, we need to remember that we had a part in their evolution as well.  May they be able to thank God for continuing to chisel at them and be thankful that he created us for a certain place and time in their lives.

Matthew 13:45-46

45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” 



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3 thoughts on “The Pearl of Great Value

  1. Wise words here that give me a lot to think about! Thanks for posting this.


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